Disability Advice Service Lambeth (DASL)
Website: https://www.disabilitylambeth.org.uk/
Phone: 020 7738 5656
Email: enquiry.line@disabilitylambeth.org.uk
Training is to support people employing personal assistants (PAs) and will cover the following subjects:
- Payroll for Individual Employers
- Insurance and Legal Advice
- Safe recruitment
- Staff management
Independent Lives (West Sussex)
Website: https://www.independentlives.org/
Phone: 01903 219482 (option 4)
Email: training@independentlives.org
Training will either be classroom based, as a workbook or via Zoom, contact Independent Lives directly for full details on how training will be delivered:
- Basic First Aid
- Dementia awareness
- Disability awareness
- Care Certificate
- Challenging behaviours
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Food Hygiene
- Health and safety
- Infection control
- Introduction to PA work
- Introduction to Autism
- Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers
- Manual Handling
- Medication awareness
- Mental Capacity
- Safeguarding
Employer training – via Zoom:
- Employing a new PA
- Recruitment and advertising
- Becoming a fair employer
- Effective management
- Makaton level 1
- Makaton level 2
- Pica Awareness
- Sensory considerations
- Understanding stress and anxiety in Autism
- Working with and supporting pathological demand avoidance (PDA) young people and adults
- Introduction to a Trauma Informed Approach
Kingston Centre for Independent Living
Website: https://kcil.org.uk/
Phone: 020 8546 9603
Email: enquiries@kcil.org.uk
Training will be delivered in a mixture of online e-learning and classroom setting in the local community:
- Being a Good Boss (one to one training in person at home or at KCIL’s office)
- Emergency First Aid at Work (in person)
- Infection Control (online)
- Manual Handling Awareness
- Manual Handling Practical (in person)
- Mental Health Awareness (in person or e-learning)
- PA Induction Course (in person – both employers and PAs can attend together)
- Safeguarding (e-learning)
Pathfinders Neuromuscular Alliance
Website: https://www.pathfindersalliance.org.uk/
Contact: https://www.pathfindersalliance.org.uk/contact/
Training for PA Employers, delivered virtually:
- Introduction to becoming a PA Employer
- Taking Charge of Your Care
- Advertising and Hiring with High Support Needs
- Managing and Structuring a Team for 24 Hour Care
- Maintaining Your Autonomy and Independence
- Safe Conflict and Difficult Conversations
- Preparing for Change - Virtual Training
- Q&A - How to be a good PA Employer
Training for personal assistants (PAs), delivered virtually:
- Module 1.1: Introduction to Neuromuscular Conditions
- Module 1.2: Independence and the Social Model of Disability
- Module 1.3: Neuromuscular Conditions and Common Emergencies
- Module 1.4: Common Equipment Used by People with Neuromuscular Conditions
- Module 2.1: Ventilation - PA Training Programme
- Module 2.2: Posture, Skin and Positioning
- Module 2.3: Swallowing and Nutrition
- Module 2.4: Physiotherapy and Exercise
- Module 3.1: Working in Someone's Home and Workplace
- Module 3.2: Supporting Disabled People as Parents
- Module 3.3: Respect, Intimacy and Personal Care - PA Training
- Module 3.4: Supporting People with Sex and Relationships
- Module 3.5: Supporting People with Their Emotional Health
RUILS (Richmond Users Independent Living Scheme)
Website: https://www.ruils.co.uk/
Phone: 020 8831 6083
E-mail: info@ruils.co.uk
- Deaf awareness (in person)
- Equality and diversity (online)
- First Aid in the Workplace (in person)
- Health and Safety awareness (online)
- Infection control (online)
- Working with Individuals with Learning Disabilities (online tutor led)
Being an Independent Employer (IE) (online tutor led): This session will introduce current IEs and people who are becoming an IE to:
- Employment legislation
- Recruitment
- Inductions
- Supervision
- Boundaries
- Disciplinary and Grievances
- Health and Safety incl. risk assessments.
Spectrum Centre for Independent Living (Southampton)
Website: https://spectrumcil.co.uk/
Telephone: 023 8033 0982
Textphone (Minicom): 023 8020 2649
Email: info@spectrumcil.co.uk
PA Employer Training for new employers (and those considering):
- Pros and cons of employing PAs
- Employer responsibilities and legal requirements (Contracts of employment, Grievance and disciplinary procedures etc)
- Recruiting, retaining and managing PAs
- Boundaries and expectations of the employer and employee relationship
- Record keeping
PA Employer Training: already employing PAs:
- Contracts of employment
- Grievance and disciplinary procedures
- Ending the employment contract.
- How to manage underperforming PAs
- Recruiting and managing PAs
- Understanding the role of an employer or employer responsibilities
- Managing staff
- Boundaries and expectations of the employer and employee relationship
- Supervision, training and development
- Record keeping
PA training:
- Moving and handling
- First Aid
- Infection control
- Communication support
- Training to support specific conditions (e.g. autism, dementia etc.)
- Understanding the role of a Personal Assistant
- Boundaries and expectations of the employer and employee relationship
- Disability Equality Training
Surrey Independent Living Council (SILC)
Website: https://www.surreyilc.org.uk/
Phone: 01483 458 111
Email: admin@surreyilc.org.uk
- Assisted Eating and Drinking
- Autism Awareness
- Dementia Awareness
- Diabetes Awareness
- Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) Accredited (classroom)
- Epilepsy Awareness
- Food Hygiene Awareness
- Health and Safety Awareness
- Individual Employer Webinars
- Infection Control
- Introduction to being a Personal Assistant
- Introduction to being an Employer
- Learning Disability Awareness
- Medication Awareness
- Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 Level 1
Moving and Positioning - fully certificated (in employer’s home)
Nutrition and Hydration
Person Centred Care
Responding to Behaviour that Challenges
Safeguarding Adults Level 1